Write With Impact With Glenn Leibowitz

28: Robert Gregory Browne Shows You How to Create Characters that Jump Off the Page



Robert Gregory Browne is a novelist who heads his own publishing firm, Braun Haus Media.  Rob has been writing fiction for 30 years and has 19 novels under his belt, many of which were published by some of the biggest names in the business: St. Martin’s Press, Penguin/Dutton, and Harlequin.   Before he started writing novels, Rob worked in the movie industry as a screenwriter. His thriller, Kiss Her Goodbye was produced for television by Sony/CBS. Several years ago he won the Nicholl Fellowship for screenwriting from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences.  The Nicholl Fellowship is a prestigious international screenwriting competition to identify and encourage talented new screenwriters. In our conversation, Rob explains why he decided to make the leap from traditional publishing to indie publishing several years ago, and the blow-out success he had with his first indie title, Trial Junkies.  We then dive deep into one of the chapters in his new book, his first nonfiction title: Casting the Bones: