Write With Impact With Glenn Leibowitz

35: 9 Tips for Getting More Writing Done



Today I’m gonna mix things up a bit and focus on a problem that I think just about every writer encounters at one point or another: how to start writing and keep writing, even when you’re distracted or don’t feel like you’re in the mood to write. It’s a topic that has come up several times during my interviews with the writers I’ve talked to on this podcast.  What I’ve done is collect some of the comments my guests have made and put them together here into a set of 9 lessons or tips that you can use to help you break out of those ruts and blocks or whatever you want to call them, that just prevent you from getting words down on the page. I’ve personally gotten a lot from these tips and have applied most of them to my own writing and I’ve seen some really good results.  Read the full transcript to this episode with links to the episodes that are quoted in here over at writewithimpact.com/episode35.  Be sure to pick up a free ebook with my writing tips while you're there. Follow Write With Impact on Twitter Lik