Write With Impact With Glenn Leibowitz

37: Caleb Wojcik Helps Writers Connect with Readers Through Video



First of all, I just wanted to wish all of my listeners a happy new year! I also wanted to thank everyone who has read, liked, or shared one of my blog posts on LinkedIn over the past year. In early December, LinkedIn’s editors named me as one of 90 top writers of the year, an honor that took me completely by surprise.  So thanks for reading my work on LinkedIn. You can check out some of my writing by going to writewithimpact.com/linkedin. That’ll take you to my LinkedIn profile where you can read my posts. And while you’re there, send me a request to connect! So today’s episode is all about video. You’re a writer, so why should you care about video?  Isn’t video expensive and difficult to produce? What kind of equipment should you buy? Should you script it out in advance, or just shoot and edit?  These are some of the questions I discuss with my guest today, Caleb Wojcik. Caleb is a video producer who spent several years filming games for major national level sports leagues before setting up his own business