Write With Impact With Glenn Leibowitz

49: Rainmaker Digital CEO Brian Clark - How Writers Can Turn their Content into Products that Sell



Download a free ebook with writing tips and subscribe to my newsletter at writewithimpact.com/episode49 Brian Clark is a legendary figure in the content marketing space. He’s the founder of Copyblogger, the world’s most widely followed website on all things content marketing. He’s also the CEO of Rainmaker Digital, the company he formed through the merger of several successful companies he had built over the years. Their Rainmaker Platform is an integrated content management system that digital entrepreneurs can use to build their businesses without having to worry about getting their hands dirty with code and other technical aspects of building and maintaining a website. Brian also hosts Unemployable, a podcast where he interviews freelancers and digital entrepreneurs who share their stories and strategies for building profitable businesses while doing what they love. And most recently, Brian launched a personal development newsletter called Further, in which he curates articles and other content from around