Write With Impact With Glenn Leibowitz

56: Leadpages CEO Clay Collins: How to Build a Minimum Viable Audience



Clay Collins is Co-Founder and CEO of Leadpages, a powerful and easy-to-use software tool that allows marketers to build customized landing pages and opt-in forms to capture email addresses. Leadpages also lets you collect emails through email links and text messages. Clay shares the incredible story of how his lifestyle blog eventually turned into Leadpages, which has become a fast-growing, multi-million-dollar business with 46,000 customers and $38 million in venture financing. In our conversation, Clay explains why you should focus on first building what he calls a “Minimum Viable Audience” before you start to build a “Minimum Viable Product.” He also shares practical strategies you can use for building your email list. These are the same strategies his marketing team at Leadpages uses to build their massive email list. Clay also gives us a peek behind the doors of Leadpages, and he talks about how he runs one of the fastest-growing marketing software businesses around. Clay explains why Leadpages recently