Write With Impact With Glenn Leibowitz

57: How Tom Morkes Uses Influencer Marketing Strategies to Launch Bestselling Books



Tom Morkes is a graduate of the US Military Academy at West Point, and served as an officer in the US Army in Iraq. After retiring from the military, he decided to pursue his passion for publishing and digital marketing. Today, Tom is the CEO of Insurgent Publishing, a book publishing and marketing company he founded a few years ago. In addition to having published half a dozen books, he provides book marketing services for authors. He recently worked with Neil Patel and his two co-authors on the marketing of their new book, Hustle, which hit the New York Times bestseller list. You might recall my recent conversation with Neil back on episode 54. In this episode of Write With Impact, Tom dives deep into some of the strategies you can use to build an audience of what he calls “superfans” for your book, and the approach you can use to reach out to influencers and persuade them to become ambassadors for your book. Whether you’re self-publishing or releasing your book with a traditional publisher, you’ll get some