Write With Impact With Glenn Leibowitz

59: How to Write a Book Proposal that Publishers Will Love



I'm very pleased to introduce Laura Brown back to the show. Laura was my very first guest on the podcast two years ago. She had just published her encyclopaedic book on writing, How to Write Anything. You can listen to that first conversation over at writewithimpact.com/episode1. Please be kind when listening, that was my first episode after all! Two years after that first foray into the world of podcasting, Laura has returned to the show to share some good news: she just sold her second book about writing to her publisher, W.W. Norton.  I asked her to share everything she knows about how to write a book proposal that will make a publisher want to buy your book. While we talk a lot about how to sell your book to a traditional publisher, the practical tips she shares are useful for anyone planning to self-publish their book.  You can find the show notes with links to Laura’s first book and her website over at writewithimpact.com/episode59 Like Write With Impact on Facebook Follow Write With Impact on Twitter S