Game Of Thrones: On The Throne Podcast

Ep.33: Game of Thrones - 803 - The Long Night



"The Long Night," Game of Thrones' third episode of Season 8, delivered the longest battle scene ever filmed and forever changed the landscape of Westeros. For every fan of the action and drama, there was an equal fan asking important questions about convenience, strategy, and faithfulness to the world of George R.R. Martin created. Put on your scuba suits, Deep Divers, we're plunging to depths we've never attempted before as Dick Ebert uses his combat engineer experience to compare Jon Snow's military tactics to U.S. Army Field Manual recommendations. Find out where the trebuchets should have been placed, why the trench was a disaster, and how paint could have protected Rhaegal and Drogon. Read Full: THE BATTLE OF WINTERFELL: A TACTICAL ANALYSIS Read Full: Game Of Thrones The Siege Of Winterfell: A Military Strategist Takes A Look