Game Of Thrones: On The Throne Podcast

Ep.35: Game of Thrones - 804 - Instacast



"The Last of The Starks" mixed Game of Thrones Season 8's huge scale and intimate conversation with something we haven't seen in a while: cutthroat political jockeying and deep questions of identity. What does family mean? Who is best to take the throne? At what point does savior become tyrant? When did the show turn into Scorpion City? Find out what drinking games taught us, why Sansa told Tyrion the secret that's not really a secret anymore, and who's where on the map as we head into Episode 5. Help Support the Podcast Support with Paypal - Support With Venmo – Shop Amazon With Our Affiliate Link - Sponsor's Listener Survey - Leave an iTunes Review - Leave a Voicemail - (914) 719-SHAT - (914) 719-7428 Feeds & Social Media - Checkout our Movie Podcast -