Game Of Thrones: On The Throne Podcast

Ep.36: Game of Thrones - 804 - The Last of The Starks



"The Last of The Starks," brought back the political struggles, shocking developments, and complex conversations of earlier seasons without losing the massive scale and sprawling tales of Season 8. Episode 4's breakneck race to the "Game of Thrones" finish line might seem like sloppy writing and impatience, but Gene and Dick believe there's a method to the madness. Hear about that as we weigh the strengths and weaknesses of the two remaining factions: Team Cersei and Team Daenerys.  Speaking of Dany, Big D lays out an impressive argument pointing to the Breaker of Chains as the next Mad Queen. Gene predictably plays devil's advocate and defends Dany as a born ruler who has suffered from being too lenient. Wondering how the hell Euron knew the good guys were sailing toward Dragonstone? We'll dive deep into the lightning speed of information in Westeros and examine whether there's a spy in Dany's camp. And of course we'll preview this season's last remaining bit of dazzle: The Golden Company. Who are they, and