Game Of Thrones: On The Throne Podcast

Ep.41: Game of Thrones - 806 - Instacast



Game of Thrones' series finale, "The Iron Throne," felt like two episodes wrapped in one. Maybe even two TV shows wrapped in one. There was the somber, sobering examination of absolute power corrupting absolutely, and there was the saccharine sweet series of farewells to our favorite characters that prevent a civil war. But in the end, we got some answers a decade in the making. Who would sit on the throne? Would there be a throne? What would Arya do when the killing was over? Could anyone defeat a queen with Unsullied, Dothraki, and a dragon at her disposal? Where the hell is Yara? And did Robin Arryn die? Have a quick listen to the Instacast, recorded immediately after the series finale punched in the gut while trying to tickle our funny bones. You're a weird one, Episode 6. Help Support the Podcast Support with Paypal - Support With Venmo – Shop Amazon With Our Affiliate Link - Sponsor's Listener Surv