Wantcast: The Women Against Negative Talk Podcast

121: Walking (And Paving) The Road To Recovery with Johanna Kandel of The Alliance For Eating Disorders Awareness



After recovering from a ten-year-long battle with various eating disorders, Johanna Kandel founded The Alliance for Eating Disorders Awareness. Since its inception in 2000, The Alliance has brought information and awareness about eating disorders to more than 340,000 individuals nationally and internationally. In addition, Johanna runs free weekly support groups, mentors individuals with eating disorders and their families, and helps thousands of people gain information and find the help they need. She's also the author of Life Beyond Your Eating Disorder (Harlequin). As a passionate advocate for mental health and eating disorders legislation, Johanna has spent a lot of time meeting with numerous members of Congress, and was part of the first-ever Eating Disorder Roundtable at the White House.   In this episode, Johanna and I candidly discuss how to move forward proactively in your life if you're struggling with an eating disorder, how you can effectively show up for others as someone who KNOWS someone with