Mindset Academy

Releasing Judgments to Be Your Authentic Self | Mindset Academy



What is your mission on this planet? Monika and Jan Zands’ mission is to help you find your mission in life. We often put so much expectations and judgements upon ourselves that we cannot see our true authentic self. This month’s topic is “Your way is not the only way,” Monika and Jan continue exploring the different perspectives in which we can perceive reality. How we chose to experience our life makes all the difference. Your lens (perspective) changes according to all the variables you are immersed in. Different realms combine everyday to lead our perception. — The physical realm, is your body which is giving you messages constantly, whether we acknowledge them or not. — The mental realm is your thoughts. — The emotional realm is your feelings. — The spiritual realm is the often most challenging to noticed, the energy around it is love. Any of these realms can be clogged, it is important to have movement in the different realms. When you receive information, the mental realm is the one working, but all th