Mindset Academy

Be Impeccable With Your Word | Mindset Academy



Mindset Academy is led by Monika and Jan Zands. This month we will dive into how do you limit your life in a way that does not allow you to become fully who you really are? There are several books that are basic for personal development, one of them is The Four Agreements, written by Don Miguel Ruiz. Jan set examples when we label ourselves as “liars.” Yes, that is a big word, but many times we promise to ourselves we are going to do something and we fail to do it. We are also  “thieves” stealing time from others when not showing up on time, we are “murderers” when killing other people’s dreams. Strong, isn’t it?  The Four Agreements book brings us the First Agreement which is: “Be Impeccable with your word.” When you fail to be impeccable with your word, the biggest injury is not upon others but upon yourself. When you make a promise you first make it with yourself and by breaking it, you are affecting you first and then others.  Impeccable means without sin. What makes us unique as human beings is language.