Mindset Academy

Are you Spiritual Bypassing? | Mindset Academy



John Welwood developed a concept called Spiritual Bypass, it is defined as a “tendency to use spiritual ideas and practices to sidestep or avoid facing unresolved emotional issues, psychological wounds, and unfinished developmental tasks.” Some features can be: exaggerated numbing from things, repression, overemphasis on the positive, anger phobia, overly tolerant compassion, poor boundaries, debilitating judgment of one’s own negative sides, and delusions of having arrived at a higher level of being. In previous sessions, there has been an exploration between a Fixed and an Open Mindset, and how having an open mindset can help you try different tools and perspectives to approach daily situations in a variety of ways. People often tend to escape from feeling how they feel, minimizing and over-rationalizing situations. If you don’t process the anger or frustration about your current situation, it would be very hard to attract a different outcome. Whatever your process is, it is your process; you have to walk t