Mindset Academy

How to Survive Holidays As a Couple | Relationship 911



In today's Episode we answer one of our viewer's questions: “Easter is a big Holiday for my family, we all get together and celebrate. My partner does the same thing with his family. How do we choose where to go on Easter morning?” In this Episode, Relationship Experts Jan and Monika advise viewer Liza on how to decide where to spend the Holidays with her family or her boyfriend’s.  Key Takeaways: [0:25] Most couples have a trade on-and trade off system. You can do Easter morning with one family and Easter afternoon with another.  However if there is travel involved then you can attend one family’s one year and the other family’s the next year.  [0:46] It’s a big opportunity for communication!  Each partner can state what they want. Which partner’s family is the holiday most important to? Who will be the most offended if you don’t attend their gathering? This is a great opportunity for you as a couple to deal with family and compromise, which are two huge hurdles that you get to overcome together! [1:55 ] In