Mindset Academy

So Your Partner Watches Netflix Without You | Relationship 911



In today's Episode we answer one of our viewer's questions: “I love watching Netflix with my Girlfriend, but she keeps falling asleep and getting mad at me for getting ahead in the show. What do I do?” In this Episode,  Relationship Experts Jan and Monika advise viewer Bob on how to navigate an issue around Netflix and his girlfriend. Key Takeaways: [0:40] This happens to us too and it can be really frustrating!  [1:24] You should have the freedom to watch what you want when you want, but also maybe there are certain shows you don’t like as much that you can put off watching so that you can watch with your girlfriend as well.  [2:15 ] The key is to talk to your partner about what is important to you and validate them. Let them know how much you appreciate that they want to spend time with you watching Netflix. Also let them know what your needs are and maybe you can compromise.