Mindset Academy

How to Handle Being Home Together Amidst Changes | Relationship 911



In today's Episode we answer one of our viewer's questions: “I’m a stay at home mom, and up until recently my husband worked all day long and we had a great relationship. Now he has a new job and he’s working from home. And we’re getting into way more arguments. What do I do?” In this Episode,  Relationship Experts Jan and Monika advise viewer Becky on how to navigate being home together all day. Key Takeaways: [1:00] Have a conversation with your husband. Communicate how you are feeling. Bring it to the surface and work through it together as a team.  [1:45] Don’t spend every waking hour together. Create a routine and schedule that works for you. If you are comfortable with it, have him find an alternate space to work from home for a couple days a week.  [2:15] It’s all about communication.  Tell him how you would like it to be, ask him how he would like it to be,  and create new agreements. Make sure that you are not saying Yes just to appease, because that can cause resentment later.  [2:45] Do something s