Refusing To Settle

How to Be Happy - The Formula For Happiness



► Claim Your Free YouTube Passive Income Course: ► Join The Refusing to Settle Mastermind ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life Stop settling start living Clark ____________________ What makes us happy? How can we manipulate it to get MORE happiness instantly? This is a formula for happiness. Here is how to be happy. Master Journaling ► What IS happiness? Just like word “success” happiness comes with SO many different definitions. In order to truly know what makes you happy, you'll need to understand what that word means for you. I was reading the book "Sapiens", that we’ve evolved everything, buildings - disease - money - technology…. but are we happier? If not, what was everything for? Isn’t that the entire goal of everything we’ve been doing….? Jonathan Haidt give this formula I love in his book “The Happiness Hypothesis” H = S + C + V Happiness = Set Point + Conditions + Voluntary Actions We may not be a