Refusing To Settle

⚠️ My Embarrassing JUUL Addiction That Almost Destroyed Me (5 Ways I Quit Vaping TODAY)



This is my embarrassing true story about getting addicted to vaping. My goal with this video is to help people that are done juuling/vaping. You want to quit but don’t know how. Or have thought about it. If you’re content with your juul habit and love it, skip this video now. I also don’t want to come off as your nagging mom or some dude scaring you straight prison mike! Just a normal dude who let addiction get out of control that could possible kill you. Follow Me On Instagram: @clarkkegley NTOE: know there’s gonna be critiques out there in comments right now. YES i’m aware of the fake CBD pods, and VIT E acute, diethyl — NOT the point of this video. And honestly if you’re using those to justify JUULING I’d argue you’re MORE addicted cause justification of bad habits is huge sign of it. BEST 5 TIPS HOW TO QUIT: 1. 100% WHY: STORY: Guy I knew who quit drinking after 20 years. Bottle of Even Williams in morning, and night. Had to hide the second from him. Finally quit and said enough — went blind for 3 days! C