Refusing To Settle




This video has ONE goal: it’s not to preach at you, sell you something, tell you what to do… this video’s goal is to honestly share with you 10 habits that radically changed my life. Not like some little 5%... but completely shifted it. Some are daily, others not so much. Put in comments any you’re going to apply. Want to change your life? Start with asking these questions ► Free 11 Questions to Change Your Life If you want to change anything in your life, change your habits! We are creatures of habit — habits literally control our lives. Might be out of order of video, but whatever! 10 LIFE-CHANGING HABITS: 1. LOOSEN UP not TIGHTEN UP Practice Non-Judgement 2. BASICS: WATER/SLEEP Aim for 1/2 BW in OZ Water Per Day. As little as 2% dehydration leads to decrease in performance. 3. Probiotics (P3OM) Body is made up of around 50% Bactria - Gut/Brain connection depression/ energy. You are NOT what you eat but you are only what you absorb. My ALL time favorite supplement for all day en