Refusing To Settle

the ONE WORD that changed EVERYTHING in my life...



In this video, we're going over ONE word that changed everything in my life. Once I learned this, I was finally able to reprogram my subconscious mind, apply self-development, and get manifestations to work in my life. Here are the notes for this video: 4 LAYERS OF IDENTITY SHIFTING: ACTIONS: chaining techniques (temporary) EMOTIONS: chaining feelings (more powerful cause they guide actions. But trap when we do what love and avoid what we hate. Slave to just doing what’s easy/love) BELIEFS: More powerful but have millions of beliefs. Try to change them all? Not REAL cause - just symptom of mind. IDENTITY: Changing the root of who you are. Core. The root cause, not the symptom. Most go 1-2-3 and why most fail. Need to go 3-2-1 Most people don’t consider IDENTITY change when set out to improve. Just think “I want to be skinny” (outcome) and if I stick to a diet (habit) I’ll be skinny (identity) - friend lost 100lbs just by asking “what would a healthy person do in this situation?” The goal is not to not smoke,