Trademarks Made Easy For Private Label & Ecommerce Sellers

The Spectrum of Distinctiveness - TME 18



The Spectrum of Distinctiveness United States trademark law recognizes the “spectrum of distinctiveness” from generic to coined when it comes to categorizing prospective trademarks. Suzi Hixon helps us understand that range and how to keep our trademarks on the right end of that spectrum. From descriptive terms that have acquired distinctiveness over time (e.g., The Honey Baked Ham Company) to coined terms like "Google," to Suzi’s favorite portmanteaus like Pup-peroni, Suzi gives you the pros and cons as well as some examples for inspiration. Your trademark should increase in value over time, and while you’ll always want to work to increase that value, doing your due diligence at the trademark creation stage will save you work in the long term. To find The Trademark Trailblazer, THE brand name creation blueprint that Suzi has used exclusively before, visit her site today: Don’t miss next week’s interview with Andy Hooper on expanding into the EU market. To make sure yo