Recapture Self

#7 Support: Finding Your Truth



The week is all about 'Truth Telling'. I'm capturing the journey of one of my first coaching clients, Jen Dolittle of Songbird and Bear, and how she went from burnt out mom to passionate blogger and photographer. The truth of who we are and the path to discover it is a journey. One that when we're willing to accept it can unfold in beautiful magical ways. Jen is a testament to that and her story will leave you inspired to recapture yourself too. I'm taking 10 women on a truth seeking journey this April. In my 6 week Resonate Intensive we'll working together to explore: Freshness, Dreams, Commitment, Fear, and Celebration as we char a path towards more purpose and fulfillment in your life. Interested in coming along for the experience? Email me at and I'll get you the details.  Beryl's Site: Jen's Site: Jen's Guest Post: