Recapture Self

#86 Finding The Deeper Meaning In Our Photos With Linsey Davis



Never in my wildest imagination did I expect to be broadcasting right now while quarantined at home.  We're currently on day 13 of my daughter being home from school, and our governor here in Virginia just made the call that schools will be closed until the fall. At the very least, a lot of our friends and their kids are grieving. And rightfully so. There's a lot of sadness and uncertainty right now.  Because our reality right now is not ever something my imagination could have dreamed up as even remotely possible during this lifetime.  Even though they are not the same, I find myself comparing the Covid 19 Pandemic to our pregnancy loss back in 2009. The trauma of both of these scenarios then and now are real. We had expectations and plans – we had imagined how life would be. And now the reality of what's actually unfolding is totally different. It’s tragic and disappointing.  But the cool thing about imagination is that we can use it to shift our perspective even during the hardest moments and find the good