Great Vocal Majority Podcast

Great Vocal Majority Podcast Volume 1: Representation



This podcast discusses the declining nature of representation in a country where the population is growing.  While it is in the finest traditions of American society and culture to open our doors to any and all peaceful people seeking to become part of the American family, population growth causes interesting challenges for national representative government. As the elected leaders in the House of Representatives and the Senate represent larger and more diverse numbers of people, discontent with that representation is a predictable result.  It should not be any surprise at all, therefore, when grass roots movements arise like the Tea Party and Occupy movements, seeking more effective representation. The solution to these problems is embodied in our Constitution today.  It’s Federalism.  That is, the decentralized state and local governments envisioned by our Founders, particularly Thomas Jefferson, who believed that government closest to the people was best, since it was closest to their concerns.