Great Vocal Majority Podcast

Great Vocal Majority Podcast Volume 3: Electoral College



A discussion on reforming the Electoral College.  If done carefully, a reformation of the Electoral College would increase voter turnout and interest in Presidential elections. The Founders envisioned a decentralized national vote.  The winner-takes-all aspect of the Presidential election, state by state, tends to discourage voters living in states that lean heavily toward one political party.  They see their vote as a waste because their candidate cannot win.  Democrat voters in Texas, Republican voters in New York and California are discouraged from voting as a result. If the Electoral College were reformed, voters would be voting for the winner of the electoral vote represented by their Congressional district.  The winner of the statewide vote would earn two additional electoral votes. This kind of electoral architecture would eliminate the whole concept of "swing states".  It would give greater weight to the vote of every voter.