Great Vocal Majority Podcast

Great Vocal Majority Podcast Volume 11: Exploding Myths: Gas Prices



It's time to do away with a few myths about the price of gasoline.  This podcast will help destroy some common myths: The myth of "they".  "They" get blamed for everything, including high gasoline prices.  But who are "they"?  Do "they" really exist? They myth of "greedy oil companies".  Companies of all kinds pursue the maximum profit because they have a fiduciary duty, but are oil companies unlike other companies? The myth of who makes the most money on a gallon of gas.  The answer will surprise you. The myth of oil companies controlling the market supply of gas and oil. The Myth of "They" "They control everything."  "They make you pay whatever they want."  Everyone has heard these kind of comments, or made them.  But when asked, nobody seems to know quite who "they" are.  It is the tendency of people to suspect a conspiratorial force that has the power to control things.  The reality, though, is there is no real "they".  The world is much more chaotic than people realize.  Sometimes, it's more comforting