Great Vocal Majority Podcast

Great Vocal Majority Podcast Volume 30: Media: The Mother of All Social Problems



News Media: The mother of all social problems America in 2015 faces enormous social problems.  Throughout our history, America has always faced enormous social problems.  Today's problems are not any more challenging than those we faced in days gone by.  There has never been a time where America experienced a period of unimpeded bliss.  Every decade in each generation presented its own challenges to our constitutional guarantees. THE CHALLENGE OF THIS GENERATION We live in a period of pervasive institutional corruption.  Corruption seems present in every direction we look.  This too, is not new.  Corruption is what leads to reformation movements.  America has had plenty of those.  In fact, the great strength of the United States of America, is our ability to renew ourselves and our commitment to the principles of our founding.  Nevertheless, what is unique about the corruption we see today is how that corruption has now affected the news media.  Media corruption is not new or unique to this generation, but t