Great Vocal Majority Podcast

Great Vocal Majority Podcast Volume 32: The NRA Challenges Obama to 1 on 1 Debate



Barack Obama likes to punch those he knows won't fight back.  He does it all the time. The GOP establishment are the most prominent, but least sympathetic of his victims.  They seem to fear the image of a nearly all-white contingent of politicians aggressively opposing the first black president.  Nevermind the fact that the black president also happens to be the most radical subversive ever elected to the office.  That fact is subordinated to GOP concerns over their public image.  The Republicans in Congress don't act out of fear.  They don't wish to offend the racial sensitivities of the Democrats and their allies in the media, lest they unleash a barrage of accusations, however false they may be,  that their opposition is based less on principles than on racial antipathies.  The shame of the Republican establishment is how little Constitutional principles matter to them, at least when compared to their own political fortunes.  The tragedy is the GOP establishment is the one group which could fight back agai