Great Vocal Majority Podcast

Great Vocal Majority Podcast Volume 33: The Radicalization of the Democratic Party



  Where Did the Democratic Party Go? What happened to the Democratic Party?  Today, much of the media focuses its attention on the turmoil in the GOP, but the Republicans haven't gone through the ideological transformation the Democrats have.  For the GOP, their rancor is largely centered over whether the party leadership has remained true to its ideals of lower taxes, smaller government, law and order and a muscular national defense.  On the Democratic side, the Van Jones, Communist ideological premise of the Democratic Party has shifted.  The shift has been unmistakably left.  So far left in fact, Democrats Bernie Sanders, Socialist can now with almost cavalier indifference claim avowed socialists like Bernie Sanders and even communists, like Van Jones as part of their family.  It wasn't very long ago, making such an accusation was fighting words.  So, what happened to the Democratic Party?  When did this shift occur? The transformation of the Democratic Party didn't happen overnight.  It happened