Great Vocal Majority Podcast

Great Vocal Majority Podcast Volume 34: The Left, Bathrooms, Obama and the Tyranny of the Minority



THE ATTACK FROM THE LEFT This is how the left engages in its assault on the fabric of the civil society.  They look for the "soft spots" and then pick a fight.  Men have been dressing as women and passing for them since dirt was new.  It's hardly an issue for a male passing himself off as a woman in dress and demeanor, to use a woman's rest room.  Who would even notice? In their effort to undermine the civil society, the Left chooses its targets wisely.  The question is first posed to the public narrowly: Should transgender people be permitted to use public restroom facilities they identify with, rather than be limited to the restroom of the gender they were born to?   THE TYRANNY OF THE MINORITY It seems almost ridiculous to be having the conversation for a number of reasons.  To begin with, what is the legal definition of transgender?  Is the controlling factor in this definition, the gender the individual identifies with or the one they were born to?  Is no consideration to be given to their anatomical an