Great Vocal Majority Podcast

Great Vocal Majority Podcast Volume 46: Evolution of American Counter-revolution Pt. 3



THE "BATTLE OF IDEAS":  FROM FDR TO LBJ TO REAGAN The debate between the left and the right has often been called, "The Battle of Ideas."  For Progressives, the pinnacle of their power was reached when President Lyndon Johnson enacted the Great Society and War on Poverty programs of the early 1960s.  Johnson saw himself as a Progressive in the mold of FDR, who guided the United States through the deprivations of the Great Depression through a series of interventionist policies, most of which proved to be largely ineffective, but were great public relations for activist and interventionist government.  It gave the public the impression that their elected leaders were making every effort to alleviate their suffering.  How well the programs were working was almost besides the point and without having a better idea, the Republicans were seen as anachronistic, almost brutish. The Left rejoiced when Johnson declared War on Poverty.  Their ideas would finally be put to the test and all the world would be able to wit