Great Vocal Majority Podcast

Great Vocal Majority Podcast Volume 71: The Right to being Acosta'd



"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."  Napoleon, the Pig, Animal Farm, by George Orwell Freedom of the press is precious.  It is axiomatic.  It's platitudinous.  We all say we want a free press.  But we must first define what that means. Does a reporter have a 1st Amendment right to ask a politician a question?  If the 1st Amendment carries any meaning at all, it means ANY American may ask questions and demand answers from government officials.  The public has every right to know the answers to questions asked and it is only under very special circumstances that answers to questions may be withheld.  Whether or not a government official provides a satisfactory answer to the question is another matter entirely. The duty of a free and independent press is to ask those questions and report on the answers.  Editors, commentators, and pundits can ruminate the adequacy or inadequacy of the answers, perhaps leading to more probing questions. Are there any obligations requires in order