Bliss And Grit

Ep 122: Neurosculpting: A Conversation with Lisa Wimberger [Part 1]



We have a special guest today: Lisa Wimberger. Lisa is the creator of Neurosculpting, which is a self-directed neuroplasticity protocol. Specifically, it is a mental training process that quiets our fight-or-flight center and activates our prefrontal cortex, which is the mind’s seat of our compassion and empathy. Needless to say, we had a lot to talk about. In fact, We so many shared passions and inquiries in common with Lisa that we are airing this conversation as a 2-parter. Stay tuned next week.  If you want more information on Neurosculpting you can visit In this episode we are talking about:  How meditation and spiritual paths can be used to dissociate further into a freeze pattern of the nervous system. Lisa’s extreme experience of a nervous system caught in freeze, and how recovering from this adaptation is different than someone recovering from flight or fight patterns.  Why going from freeze to “bliss” is too big a step.  How to consciously choose when we need to be in ou