Fink Beats The Stomach

Coney 2018 - Juan Neave & "Princess" Kassie Zapata - Poteet, TX



It was April 14th, 2018 and the smell of strawberries & Hot Dogs were in the air. The Lone Star State would welcome two young stars to the ranks of competitors for Coney Island. Poteet, Texas hosted a one of the most competitive qualifiers we have seen thus far on the 2018 circuit. Juan Neave (Ranked #23) & "Princess" Kassie Zapata (Ranked #43) proved victorious for the second year in a row as a qualifying (platonic) pair. The dynamic Texan duo joins the Finks to talk about the qualifier and beyond. Kassie discusses her post contest meal, how she was proposed to, and if she has a rivalry with the famed Mary Bowers. Juan proves he is here to stay and gives insight into his view on competitive eating, which is shockingly deep.   Too much information? Perhaps. Entertaining? Always.