Strengthening The Soul Of Your Leadership With Ruth Haley Barton

Season 9: Episode 9 | Spiritual Transformation and Psychology



What happens when you record a podcast and the lawn service is working very hard outside your window? Find out on today’s podcast! We will also discuss the integration of psychology and spirituality – an important topic for spiritual leaders. Leaders can fall into the trap of over spiritualizing in order to avoid doing the hard psychological work of facing real brokenness. Ruth invites her friend Bob Watson, a licensed clinical psychologist, for a fascinating discussion. As part of their own self leadership leaders need to not just look at the spiritual aspects of their lives, but also attend to their mental health. Control, pain, drivenness, and shame are just some of the topics covered. The episode concludes with helpful guidance on how a leader can know when the thing that we are dealing with should be attended to psychologically with therapy--as part of their journey towards wholeness in Christ. Dr. Robert Watson, PsyD, LP holds an M.A. in Clinical Psychology from Wheaton College and a Psy.D. in Clinical