Strengthening The Soul Of Your Leadership With Ruth Haley Barton

Season 10: Episode 3 | Creation Gifts on the Spiritual Journey



Listen in to learn what creation gifts are and how they relate to our spiritual journey. Make no mistake, this journey is not about self actualization. Ruth Haley Barton and Steve Wiens discuss why Mulholland uses Myers-Briggs. A relevant conversation in a time when the Enneagram is overhyped. SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES You can also access podcast on Google Play or Stitcher. Listen to other episodes from Season 10 | Access past podcast seasons This season we are walking through Invitation to a Journey, part of the Transforming Resources collection published by InterVarsity Press. We encourage you to get a copy of the book, and now more than ever is a great way to support a local book store, or you can buy it directly from the publishers website. IVP is even offering Invitation to A Journey at 30% off — Visit them at and use code: SOUL30. Offer expires on July 15, 2020. Mentioned in this podcast: Invitation to a Journey: A Road Map for Spiritual Formation, M. Robert Mulholland Become a patron: Join