Strengthening The Soul Of Your Leadership With Ruth Haley Barton

Season 12: Episode 3 | The Idol in the Box: The Religious False Self



Ruth names it – this is the most convicting part of the book for any of us who are Christians – especially for Christian leaders. Steve and Ruth have different reasons it is difficult to acknowledge their religious false self. If anyone thought we were done with the attributes of the false self in the last episode be warned – Mulholland brings up the list again.  There is no doubt, our religious false is very dangerous and it is alive and well in all of us. Ruth ends with sharing Mulholland's penetrating questions that conclude chapter 3.  Support the podcast now and immediately receive our Lent bonus Podcast patrons at any level will receive our brand new revised digital download of Ruth Haley Barton's Lent: A Season of Returning. It includes all the scriptures and space to journal your own thoughts and prayers. Become a patron today and support our podcast ministry. SUBSCRIBE ON APPLE PODCASTS You can also access podcast on Stitcher. Listen to other episodes from Season 12 Access past podcast seasons