Strengthening The Soul Of Your Leadership With Ruth Haley Barton

Season 13: Episode 3 | Invitations from God: Invitation to Follow



  Listen as Ruth and Adele use the invitation from chapter two of Invitations from God to examine the ways following and leading are connected in the life of Christ and what it means to steward your role as a follower well. What do we do when the leaders we follow disappoint and how does this invitation to follow fall differently on people groups depending on their historic ability or lack thereof to lead in their own right?    Mentioned in this episode:  Invitations From God by Adele Calhoun   Support the podcast by joining our revamped patron program over on Patreon. Patrons will now also receive regular bonus content as well as opportunities to hear Ruth answer their questions. Become a patron today and support our podcast ministry.   SUBSCRIBE ON APPLE PODCASTS You can also access the podcast on Stitcher and Spotify.   The Transforming Center exists to create space for God to strengthen leaders and transform communities. You are invited to join our next Transforming Community:® A Two-year Spiri