East Coasters Podcast

ECPC III: Patriarch



East Coasters Podcast 0:00 Opening and introduction of formula: Conversation-facts, reflection-question, practice-answer. 1:30 Tim Ferriss and Jerry Gregich 9:46 Conversation- defining patriarch 14:07: Facts about the value of a patriarch or male role in the home 26:05: The question- do I have what it takes to be a patriarch? 43:08: How can I get there? Links: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-gail-gross/the-important-role-of-dad_b_5489093.html http://www.catalyst.org/knowledge/statistical-overview-women-workforce http://www.apa.org/pi/families/resources/changing-father.aspx?item=2 https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/wired-success/201106/the-decline-fatherhood-and-the-male-identity-crisis Wild at Heart by John Eldredge: