Totally Tell Me

Parasite (with Lalin St. Juste) Ep. 92



This week Lalin St. Juste of The Seshen joins us to review Parasite, the new thriller from Bong Joon-Ho. Lalin is also on this episode for a very special reason - The Seshen just released a music video directed by Dominic for their new single DIVE! We discuss the making of the video and divulge some fun behind the scenes secrets. PLUS Lalin gives us some insight into the inspiration and themes of The Seshen’s upcoming album Cyan, Dominic goes on a rotten tomatoes rant, and Laura and Lalin offer some strong opinions about tacos. Past the spoiler mark, we also go deep on the social themes of Parasite and what it’s saying about class in our modern world. featured song this week: "DIVE" by The Seshen Follow us on Instagram:
 Totally Tell Me - @totallytellme 
Dominic Mercurio - @dominicmercurio
 Laura Weinbach - @foxtailsbrigade
 Lalin St. Juste - @lalin_music