Totally Tell Me

The Lighthouse (with Nick Stargu) Ep. 93



Comedian Nick Stargu joins us to review the new horror film The Lighthouse starring Robert Pattinson and Willem Dafoe. We also go deep on some tape worm talk, Laura makes WILD claims about the 'lengths of your innards', Nick's studying up for his upcoming trip to Japan, and Dominic tells a horrifying crotch story. Plus at one point on this episode Laura says what she thinks a 'peach pit' might mean if it were a sexual term and it stops the whole show in its tracks to process what just was said. it's another wild and fun extremely NSFW episode, y'all!!! featured song this week: "400lb Boobs" by DJ Real Follow us on Instagram: Totally Tell Me - @totallytellme Dominic Mercurio - @dominicmercurio Laura Weinbach - @foxtailsbrigade Nick Stargu - @djrealsmells