Totally Tell Me

I'm Thinking Of Ending Things (with Dylan Gallagher) Ep. 101



WE'RE BACK! actually...we've BEEN back. We now livestream episodes every other Sunday at 7pm simultaneously on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitch (links to follow us below). This episode was livestreamed on Sept 13th and was our first go at it. we had a couple audio and delay issues which we've since figured out in more current episodes so you may notice some wonkiness. Also, we reference some visual things that you audio listeners won't get so we really do encourage you to watch the episode if you can. its available in full on our YouTube and Facebook pages! We actually are a few episodes ahead of this and episode 104 will be livestreamed THIS SUNDAY Oct 25th at 7pm. We will be reviewing Borat 2 (which comes out Oct 23) so watch the movie and then tune in live to chime in with your thoughts! we'll be reading your comments and making you a part of the show. follow us on your preferred livestream platform for new LIVE episodes: YouTube: Facebook: Twitch: