
Manafort Angle Complicates Trump Investigation, but Unlikely to Directly Implicated President



The Trump White House has been rocked by recent revelations of wiretapping and rumors of indictment of former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort. However, the investigation had already been previously suspended for lack of evidence, and Manafort was let go in August 2016 by the campaign. There appears to be a new major thrust to expand the focus of the Mueller investigation into business dealings, which is likely to anger the White House, which has insisted that the focus should merely be on Russian hacking and meddling. Wiretapping allegations may lend credence to Trump's claim that he was targeted at Trump Tower, albeit indirectly. There still remains no evidence that Trump colluded in election hacking and meddling, or that the Russian government or hackers in its employ changed votes, or the outcome of the 2016 presidential election.