
PanAm Podcast: London's Uber-Hypocrite Mayor Seeks to Deny Choice and Competition to Consumers.



London's mayor, Sadiq Khan, has recently spoken out in favor of Uber's ban in London. Strangely, merely two years ago, he admitted in a video that he liked to take Ubers himself. Transport for London's ban has been proposed on the most Orwellian of charges; the regulator has deemed Uber not "fit and proper" for operating in the city, allegedly over failing to file medical records and background checks. Uber claims they have filed such paperwork, and that the real objective of the city is to cave to the powerful taxi industry, which charges far more than Ubers. Ultimately, the greatest hypocrisy of all is that while Khan and his Labour acolytes claim to be the voice of immigrants, working class people, and non-native English speakers, these are exactly the people who would be most financially hurt by the ban on Uber. Uber's 40,000 drivers include a large immigrant population, while working class people rely on Uber for safe and reliable transportation that they can afford, especially at night. It's high time f