Koshiencast- A Sports Anime Fan Podcast

Episode 42: July 16th - July 22nd 2017



It's a wild week, as yet again the series they wrote off as being a Free clone turns out better than expected. Meanwhile the series they expected to be the smash hit of the season turns out to be heading in very strange directions. At least Clean Freak!! Aoyama-kun is pretty consistent! Welcome to the Ballroom (Episode 3) - 6:04 Dive!! (Episode 3) - 17:53 Fastest Finger First (Episode 3) - 25:43 Clean Freak!! Aoyama-kun (Episode 3) - 33:15 Big Wind-Up (Season 1, Episode 16) - 42:08 Encouragement of Climb (Season 2, Episodes 23 & 24) - 49:23