Turning Inward With Dr. Vivian Carrasco

Imagination is the Key to Personal Fulfillment



It’s human nature to resist change, defy uncertainty, and remain in our comfort zones. We’re genetically wired to only pursue our past experiences, but this often holds us back.  Today Vivian Carrasco shares her own personal experience of reaching outside of her limitations to reach a seemingly impossible goal, and how you can too! She discusses how to ignite your imagination in a way that will provoke meaningful engagement and fulfillment in your daily life. Join Vivian in this two-part series to learn more about how you can embrace your bravery, courageousness, and be the you you’ve always wanted.    Show Highlights:  Expanding your reach to break out of limitations  Cultivating in life relationships  Giving yourself permission to achieve the goals you want  Expanding your community and planting seeds of friendship  Taking time to align with your values  The importance of social interaction  Allowing your imagination to create a reality that reflects your values    Links:  https://viviancarrasco.wistia.co