Wall St For Main St

John Ciampaglia: New Sprott Gold Mining ETFs Are Efficient Way To Buy Gold



Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St had on Sprott http://www.sprott.com/ Executive VP of Corporate Development, Head of ETFs and Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), John Ciampaglia. During this 20+ minute interview, Jason asks John why ETFs have become popular versus mutual funds. Jason asks John about the 2 new Sprott gold mining ETFs and their methodologies. Each ETF updates either quarterly or every 6 months. Unlike many other ETFs, which are market cap weighted, Sprott's gold mining ETFs have a different qualitative methodology looking for better gold miners instead of just bigger gold miners. Jason and John discuss whether mutual funds are dinosaurs since many mutual funds underperform their benchmark index due to management fees and other hidden fees.