Wall St For Main St

Steve St Angelo: Gold & Silver Miners Running Out of Ways to Cut Costs



Jason Burack of Wall st for Main St had on gold and silver mining and oil and energy expert, Steve St. Angelo of the SRSRocco Report http://srsroccoreport.com/ on for an in depth interview. During this 50+ minute interview, Jason asks Steve about the costs to operate a modern primary gold and primary silver miner. Jason and Steve discuss how since ore grades have fallen so much over the decades how they have made it difficult for miners for have high margins. Jason asks Steve how miners have survived in the past when gold and silver were below their all in production costs in the mid 90s. Steve cites one miner, Coeur D'Alene Mining, who sold hundreds of millions more shares diluting shareholders to survive. Jason and Steve discuss whether miners can sell many more shares in this environment. Jason doesn't think that's likely considering what he hears from his contacts in Toronto and Vancouver where miners normally get financed how there's basically no debt or equity available anymore, except in small amounts